70 research outputs found

    Wireless sensors and IoT platform for intelligent HVAC control

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    Energy consumption of buildings (residential and non-residential) represents approximately 40% of total world electricity consumption, with half of this energy consumed by HVAC systems. Model-Based Predictive Control (MBPC) is perhaps the technique most often proposed for HVAC control, since it offers an enormous potential for energy savings. Despite the large number of papers on this topic during the last few years, there are only a few reported applications of the use of MBPC for existing buildings, under normal occupancy conditions and, to the best of our knowledge, no commercial solution yet. A marketable solution has been recently presented by the authors, coined the IMBPC HVAC system. This paper describes the design, prototyping and validation of two components of this integrated system, the Self-Powered Wireless Sensors and the IOT platform developed. Results for the use of IMBPC in a real building under normal occupation demonstrate savings in the electricity bill while maintaining thermal comfort during the whole occupation schedule.QREN SIDT [38798]; Portuguese Foundation for Science & Technology, through IDMEC, under LAETA [ID/EMS/50022/2013

    De elemento dissonante a elemento marcante, fachadas verdes na reabilitação urbana, Castelo Branco

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    Esta dissertação tem como objectivo elaborar um projecto de reabilitação urbana, para o centro histórico da cidade de Castelo Branco, utilizando as fachadas verdes como meio de transformação de um elemento dissonante num elemento marcante. A escassez de espaços verdes numa malha urbana consolidada como as dos centros históricos, e a pouca área de terreno livre que se possa transformar em jardins vem abrir horizontes para novas soluções, de inserir os elementos vegetais, nestas zonas das cidades. A utilização das fachadas verdes é uma das mais recentes soluções para resolver este problema. Consequentemente permite dar resposta à falta de espaços verdes, e por outro lado com esta sofisticada técnica, que ainda não é muito utilizada na reabilitação urbana, implantam-se novos espaços verdes sem ser necessário utilizar espaço público. Refira-se ainda que nestas zonas da cidade, algumas construções que não se integram na linguagem arquitectónica da envolvente, às escalas da rua ou da praça, conferindo uma imagem negativa e desqualificada, podem ser disfarçadas ou tornarem-se elementos marcantes, pela aplicação de fachadas verdes. Esta utilização vem colmatar essas dissonâncias e transformar o que outra ora era um edifício dissonante num marco de identidade para o local, valorizando-o e criando uma envolvente mais atractiva

    A influência da atividade física na qualidade de vida e no perfil dos estados de humor, do idoso

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    O presente estudo pretende analisar a influência da prática da atividade física (AF) na qualidade de vida (QV), bem como nos estados de humor, de indivíduos idosos, a residir no concelho de Paredes. A amostra é constituída por 155 indivíduos, entre os 65 e os 83 anos, sendo 88 do sexo masculino e 67 do sexo feminino, estando diagnosticados com pressão arterial elevada (HTA) e com HTA e diabetes Militius (DM) Os instrumentos de avaliação utilizados foram: Questionário de identificação sócio-demográfico; Questionário de estado de saúde (SF-36v2) e Perfil de Estados de Humor – POMS. Os dois primeiros questionários foram aplicados antes do inicio das aulas e no final e o questionário POMS a meio desse ano e novamente no final do ano. Os resultados da investigação indicaram, em relação à Qualidade de Vida, uma melhoria significativa na perceção da QV total no grupo de idosos ao final de um ano de programa de atividade física. Observamos a existência de diferenças estatisticamente significativas nas dimensões Funcionamento Físico (FF), Desempenho Físico (DF),Função Social (FS), Desempenho Emocional (DE) e Saúde Mental (SM). Em relação às dimensões dor corporal (DC), saúde geral (SG) e vitalidade (VT), os indivíduos após a prática de atividade física apresentam níveis médios muito próximos dos valores obtidos no período em que não praticavam atividade física sendo que estas diferenças não atingem o significado estatístico. Analisando os resultados obtidos no sf-36v2, verificamos que independentemente do sexo ou patologia as dimensões onde temos sempre uma grande melhoria são as de cariz social, FS, DE e na melhoria do funcionamento, com as dimensões FF e DF. A dor corporal e a saúde geral são as dimensões em que os resultados se mantiveram idênticos da 1ª para a 2ª avaliação. Em relação ao Perfil dos Estados de Humor, verificaram-se melhorias estatisticamente significativas em todas as dimensões, com especial incidência nas dimensões Tensão, Fadiga e Confusão

    A comunicação social e a policia: a percepção da imprensa escrita sobre a actuação policial nos grandes eventos de cariz político

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    A sociedade actual está sedenta de informação e conhecimento, sendo que esse satisfazer de informação é realizado pelos Órgãos de Comunicação Social (OCS). Na efectivação do acto de informar a sociedade, os OCS criam uma representação da realidade, que influencia o comportamento humano. Essas representações levam à criação e partilha de determinados códigos sobre assuntos considerados socialmente relevantes, podendo levar, ou não, à interferência no normal funcionamento da ordem pública. Atendendo a este facto, temos de considerar a influência directa que os OCS, e especificamente, os jornais exercem na sociedade, de modo a criar nesta uma determinada consciencialização pública sobre determinadas instituições do sistema social, em concreto a Polícia de Segurança Pública (PSP). Com a intenção de melhor compreender esta dinâmica, e através de uma abordagem qualitativa, analisando o conteúdo, das trinta e duas notícias, sobre a actuação policial em grandes eventos políticos, publicadas nos jornais Diário de Notícias, Correio da Manhã e Jornal de Notícias no ano de 2011, procuramos entender os esquemas interpretativos dos jornais que são produzidos e emitidos para toda a sociedade.Today´s society thirst for knowledge and information, is satisfied by the media. In ansious of informing society, the media create a representation from reality which influences human behavior. These representations lead to the creation and sharing of certain codes on matters considered socially relevant, which could, or not, also lead to interference with the normal functioning of public order. Attending this fact, we consider the direct influence, of the OCS, and specifically, the role newspapers have in society, in order to create this a particular public awareness about certain institutions of the social system, specifically the Polícia de Segurança Pública (PSP). With the intention to better understanding this dynamic, and through a qualitative approach, analyzing the content, of thirty-two news about the police action in large political events, published in the newspaper Diário de Notícias, Correio da Manhã and Jornal de Notícias, we seek to understand the interpretative schemes of newspapers that are produced and issued to the whole of society

    The influence of precipitation hardening on the damping capacity in Al–Si–Mg cast components at different strain amplitudes

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    An A356 alloy is a classic casting light alloy, which is able to be processed into complex geometrical shapes with tailored static and dynamic mechanical properties. As a promising material to reduce fuel and energy consumption in future vehicle designs, there is an interest in understanding the impact of heat treatments on the damping capacity of this alloy. The Granato–Lücke theory is used to detail the forced vibration response in gravity cast A356. It is shown that a solution treatment enhances damping capacity in lower stress states (i.e., strain-independent regime) due to the increase in weak pinning length. However, in high-stress states (i.e., strain-dependent regime), peak-aged (T6) samples display higher damping capacity. This is proposed to be originated by releasing dislocations from weak pinning points, which start bowing in the precipitates that act as strong pinning points. Based on these results, it is shown for the first time that the selection of heat treatments to optimize damping in forced vibration is highly dependent on the expected stress–strain state and must be considered in the design of cast components.This research was funded by PTDC/EMEEME/30967/2017 and NORTE-0145-FEDER-030967, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalization (COMPETE 2020), under Portugal 2020, and by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia—FCT I.P. national funds. Additionally, this work was supported by the Portuguese FCT, under the reference project UIDB/04436/2020. This work also acknowledges the financial support of the Portuguese Science Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the projects UIDB/EMS/00481/2020 (TEMA) and CENTRO-01-0145-FEDER-022083 (Centro2020, PORTUGAL 2020, European Regional Development Fund). This work was financially supported by project PRIDOP (POCI-01-0247-FEDER-040271), co-financed by the European Community Fund FEDER through POCI—Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização

    Braided fibre reinforced composite rods for concrete reinforcement

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    This paper describes the work that is being done at the University of Minho concerning the development of braided rods for concrete reinforcement. A preliminary research study has been conducted to understand the mechanical behaviour of braided fabrics. Various samples have been produced varying the type of fiber (glass, polyester and aramid), the type of braided fabric (simple, hybrid and core reinforced) and in the latter case, the number of core reinforcing yarns. The tensile properties of these samples have been evaluated and the results presented. The influence of each factor on the tensile properties of braided fabrics has also been analysed and discussed. In order to produce braided reinforced composite rods to use as a concrete reinforcement, a special technique has been developed using a standard vertical braiding machine. The braided reinforced composite materials have been produced in a ribbed structure to improve adhesion between them and the concrete. Special samples have been prepared and tested to evaluate the adherence between both materials involved. The tensile and bending properties of braided reinforced composite rods have been evaluated and the results obtained presented and discussed

    Application of braided fibre reinforced composite rods in concrete reinforcement

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    This paper describes the work that is being done at the University of Minho concerning the development of braided rods for concrete reinforcement. A preliminary research study has been conducted to understand the mechanical behaviour of braided fabrics. Various samples have been produced varying the type of fiber (glass, polyester and aramid), the type of braided fabric (simple, hybrid and core reinforced) and in the latter case, the number of core reinforcing yarns. The tensile properties of these samples have been evaluated and the results presented. The influence of each factor on the tensile properties of braided fabrics has also been analysed and discussed. In order to produce braided reinforced composite rods to use as a concrete reinforcement, a special technique has been developed using a standard vertical braiding machine. The braided reinforced composite materials have been produced in rib structure to improve adhesion between them and the concrete. Special samples have been prepared and tested to evaluate the adherence between both materials involved. The tensile and bending properties of braided reinforced composite rods have been evaluated and the results obtained presented and discussed.(undefined

    Concrete reinforced by brained fibre composite rods

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    This paper describes the work that is being done at the University of Minho concerning the development of braided rods for concrete reinforcement. A preliminary research study has been conducted to understand the mechanical behaviour of braided fabrics. The tensile properties of these samples have been evaluated and the results presented. In order to produce braided reinforced composite rods to use as a concrete reinforcement, a special technique has been developed using a standard vertical braiding machine. Special samples have been prepared and tested to evaluate the adherence between both materials involved. The tensile and bending properties of braided reinforced composite rods have been evaluated and the results obtained presented and discussed. Concrete beams reinforced by braided composite rods, have been prepared and tested. The results obtained are presented and compared with those obtained for conventional concrete beams reinforced by steel rods